What will you do? Review Standard 1 – Learner Development in the Clinical Rubric

What will you do? Review Standard 1 – Learner Development in the Clinical Rubric

What will you do? Review Standard 1 – Learner Development in the Clinical Rubric’ and ‘Ways of Thinking about the Clinical Practice’ documents. Also, review the ‘Tips and Strategies for Clinical Practice Lesson Submissions’ in the Activity Resources. 2 – Record a video of you teaching a lesson to your mentor’s or your own classroom based on the lesson plan you created in Module 7, addressing Standard 1, Student Development. This video will be used as a baseline video to compare all the other videos you submit during your clinical practice. 3 – Edit your video to showcase 15-20 minutes of the highlights of your lesson, including the beginning of your lesson. Annotate the video (or write in a separate document with timestamps recorded) stating where the elements of InTASC Standard 1, Student Development are addressed. Describe or discuss your role in creating developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences for your students and meeting each student’s individual needs. 4 – Write or record a reflection on the lesson (approximately 500 words or 3-5 minutes). Reflect on how each element of the lesson went and what you would do to change the lesson (if anything) if you were to teach the lesson again. If you feel you would need to reteach the concept, please mention that and tell what strategy(ies) you would use to reteach. Your reflection should be a deeper analysis of each aspect of the lesson instead of a simple recap of what happened. Include both what you did well and what needs improvement. If your video does not demonstrate how you met each element of Standard 1, discuss how you are meeting that element as part of your reflection. Note: If your instructor feels you need to demonstrate growth based on feedback, they may request that you resubmit videos later in the clinical portion of the program. 5 – Record your debriefing session with your mentor (video or audio) and submit the link. See the example of a mentor/mentee debriefing in the Resource section of this activity. You may conduct the meeting in your Zoom classroom. Save the recording to post with the rest of your assignment. While an audio recording is permitted, a video recording is preferred. 6 – Save your videos in the YouTube Video library by clicking on the Upload to YouTube button on the Submission page. Label each video appropriately to help your instructor find the relevant videos.