Worth 15% of final grade Objectives On successful completion of this assessment,

Worth 15% of final grade
On successful completion of this assessment,

Worth 15% of final grade
On successful completion of this assessment, students should be able to:
collaborate with team member to identify one business idea and provide a business model canvas,
demonstrate a well-developed understanding of the Business Model Canvas process, and
substantiate an ability to engage in business planning and prepare an effective business plan.
Brief Descriiption
This is a team project where students will reach a consensus and choose a business idea to complete a business model canvas for business ideas selected in unit 9. It may be a start-up or expansion of an existing business. Using the Business Model Canvas, the teams prepare a descriiption of the business idea. In addition to the BMC canvas, students will prepare a report to accompany the canvas that provides a descriiption of the business, business rationale, target market, budget, marketing or promotional plan, and measure that would be used to assess the businesses success. Utilizing the business model canvas, groups should meet the criteria of the rubric available on Moodle.
Submission Instructions
Prepare a group report which includes a descriiption of the business, business rationale, target market, budget, marketing/promotional plan, measures to be used to assess success of the business and the business model canvas about a problem and a possible solution. Each paper should include an introduction and conclusion, should be 5-6 pages (double spaced), 2.54 cm margins (the default on MS Word), and 12 pts size font. The paper should follow the APA guidelines for format and citation.
BMC Sample:
Business Model Canvas Tutorial – Uber Business Model: https://youtu.be/dtf61YDCXDY
Business Model Canvas Report Part 1 will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.