Would you please help me with this paper. I have attached the rubric for the ass

Would you please help me with this paper. I have attached the rubric for the ass

Would you please help me with this paper. I have attached the rubric for the assignment and data for the patient I got from clinical. Please follow the rubric thoroughly. Patient went into sepsis after couple days of being at the hospital. On admission, her:
pH: 7.11
PCO2: 94.4
POs: 69.3
O2 sat: 89.3
As of my clinical day, her:
pH: 7.47
PCO2: 48.2
POs: 52.2
HCO3: 35.2
BE: 10.0
O2 sat: 87.4
O2 status: 50
Glucose: 120 (range: 70-110)
Per the rubric, please ensure the three priority hypotheses of patient problems are identified as related to body, mind, and spirit. And make your proposed intervention in that line. I also attached a picture I took during the clinical presentation with my instructor and other students. Lastly, you should use the “WRITTEN PORTION” of the rubric, not the clinical presentation. You can ask any other further questions you may have.
Thank you