Write a 2-3 page paper on the Domain 2:Person-Centered Care (NOT including the t

Write a 2-3 page paper on the Domain 2:Person-Centered Care (NOT including the t

Write a 2-3 page paper on the Domain 2:Person-Centered Care (NOT including the title and reference page) APA paper over the information listed below. Be sure to use 3 references and include in-text citations.References used in this paper should be no more than five years old. Exceptions include seminal works, such as original publications by nurse theorists (classic source). One of the citations should be from the book “The Essentials: Core Competencies”. I have provided a link to access the free book. : https://www.aacnnursing.org/Portals/42/AcademicNursing/pdf/Essentials-2021.pdf
Part 2: Domain Application to Nursing Practice (Due Week 8)
Domain Description
o Include a statement that tells the reader about the assigned domain.
o Describe the assigned domain using the provided descriptor and contextual statement.
Nursing Practice Examples and Reflection
o Read through the entry-level professional nursing education competencies for the assigned domain.
Choose three (3) competencies and provide an example of nursing practice for each.
o For example: Student A is assigned Domain 9: Professionalism. Student A chooses 9.1e Report
unethical behaviors in practice. The example Student A writes about is when she overheard nurses
talking about a patient in an elevator while working as a patient care tech.
o Examples you provide can come from what you have learned in your nursing coursework,
personal/family experiences, observations while working in healthcare settings, and/or from a
o For each competency and example you provide, respond to the following prompts and/or questions.
o Discuss how and why your example meets or does not meet the stated competency.
o What sphere of care does your example come from? Provide rationale and/or evidence to
support the sphere of care you have identified.
o Discuss why this competency is important for nursing practice. Provide evidence to support
your discussion.
o *Reflect on your personal ability to meet this competency. Are you able to meet it today? If so,
how? If not, what additional knowledge, skills and experiences will help you to be able to
achieve the competency? [*first-person allowed in this section only]
o Summarize the key ideas discussed in your paper without including new information and
provide your final thoughts with an emotional appeal that will leave an impact on the reader.
Include a closing sentence that wraps up the entire paper with a synthesis of key points about
your domain.