Write a rhetorical précis of Jordan’s essay: A rhetorical précis (pronounced pra

Write a rhetorical précis of Jordan’s essay: A rhetorical précis (pronounced pra

Write a rhetorical précis of Jordan’s essay: A rhetorical précis (pronounced pray-SEE), a four sentence rhetorical summary, provides a structured model for describing the rhetorical strategies of a text, as well as capturing the gist of the content. It differs from summary in that it is less neutral, more analytical, and comments directly on the method of the original text. Highly structured, it is designed for presentation of insights about a text from the perspective of a rhetorical reader. A rhetorical précis is a useful way to sum up your understanding of how a text works rhetorically, which will help you develop ideas for Major Writing Assignment 1.
How to Structure and Write a Rhetorical Précis
Refer to this templateLinks to an external site.to help you structure your précis in addition to the descriiptions below:
Sentence 1: Name the author, genre, and title or the work, date in parenthesis; a rhetorically accurate verb (such as claims, argues, asserts, or suggests); and a “that” clause containing the major assertion or thesis statement of the work.
Sentence 2: An explanation of how the author develops and supports the thesis, usually in chronological order.
Sentence 3: A statement of the author’s purpose.
Sentence 4: A descriiption of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author established with the audience.
Then, compose a one paragraph reflection upon one passage, one move, or one moment in Jordan’s text that teaches you a writing move (concerning audience, genre, or rhetorical situation) that you’ve never considered or seen before. Cite the passage, move, or moment. Then in a reflection, share with the class what you find interesting and what Jordan teaches you about audience, genre, or the rhetorical situation.
NO OUTSIDE SOURCES!! Only June Jordan’s Text that is listed