Write an essay in which you use a concept from one of the non-fiction essays we

Write an essay in which you use a concept from one of the non-fiction essays we

Write an essay in which you use a concept from one of the non-fiction essays we have read (Twain, Machiavelli, or Ericsson) as a “lens,” or frame, to analyze a work of narrative art that interests you. It could be a movie, TV show, short story, novel, podcast, etc. Whatever you want to write about. It can also be one of the works of fiction we read in this class.
Example 1: As an example, a lens essay might look at the popular TV show Game of Thrones though the lens of Machiavelli’s claim that it is better for rulers to be feared than loved. The thesis statement might be: “In the acclaimed television show Game of Thrones, the rulers who follow Machiavelli’s principle that is better to be feared than loved are the most successful.”
The lense I want to use is Troy the movie compared to Machivallis’s claim that for people in positions of power “It is better to be feared than to be loved, if one cannot be both.”
1. Your subject may be one of the short stories we have read in class but you are free to pick a movie, TV show, documentary, or any other work of your choosing. Or you may choose to write a personal essay examining something from your own life through one of the lenses.
2.Remember to use APA formatting, including a title page and reference page.
3.Pick an original title.
4.Quote from your texts and use APA in text citations.
5.Double-space your work, use 12 point font, and indent paragraphs.
6.Run a spell and grammar check and then proofread your work before submitting it.
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