You are asked to observe an 18-month-old name Jordan. The children around Jordan

You are asked to observe an 18-month-old name Jordan. The children around Jordan

You are asked to observe an 18-month-old name Jordan. The children around Jordan are playing with wooden blocks and trucks, but Jordan is playing with a plastic container that has oval, round, square, and triangular shapes cut out in the lid, and small plastic toys that can be pushed through the hole with the matching shape. Jordan grabs the plastic square and tries to shove it through the oval hole. She tries to push the square through the oval hole two or three times and then turns it and tries to fit it in from a different angle. Finally, she gives up and throws the square plastic shape into the pile of other shapes. She then reaches for the triangle and tries to fit it in the oval hole. When the triangle does not fit, she takes the lid off and begins to put all of the shapes into the container. When she finishes putting the shapes in the container, she squeals with delight and throws her hands over her head. The teacher looks over and notices what she is doing and says, “Yea, Jordan”. Jordan looks at the teacher, drops her hands, and squeals again. She then dumps out all of the shapes and begins again.
What would Piaget cognitively say is going on with Jordan?
Vygotsky would cognitively say that is going on with Jordan?
Information processing theorist say cognitively say is going on with Jordan.