You are working on a team that is examining social media use at your facility. Y

You are working on a team that is examining social media use at your facility. Y

You are working on a team that is examining social media use at your facility. You have been given the results of a short survey that was conducted. You have been asked to create some graphs for the survey and to determine which social media applications are used the most frequently.
Download the Excel workbook named 5380-Survey-Data-Student.
Create a frequency table showing the number of Males and Females in the study.
Create a frequency table showing the number of responses for each type of social media in the study. E.g. Facebook, You Tube, etc.
Using the frequency table of responses, create a pie chart showing the percentage of responses for each category. Label the pie slices with the percentages and the category name.
Create an MS Word document named 5380-Question3-YourLastName and add a page title with the course name, question number and your name each on separate lines.
Data Analysis – Answer the following questions by typing the questions and the answers into your MS Word document. Your answers should be written in clear, complete sentences.What is the purpose of this study?
Describe the data you are analyzing and how you analyzed it.
How many men and how many women were in the study. What is the percentage of men and women in the study?
What types of social media did the survey respondents say they used? For each category of social media use (i.e. Facebook) state how many and what percentage of respondents used that type of social media.
Which type of social media was most used and which was least used?
If your manager wanted to do some marketing on social media, which two types of social media would you recommend using to reach the most people and why?
Submission: Submit the MS Excel workbook showing all your calculations, the frequency tables, pie chart and any other work completed. Submit the MS Word document with the questions and answers as described above. Before submitting, recheck your work to makes sure that is reflects your very best professional effort. Thank you!
Question 3 Grading Rubric
Frequency table (gender)
/10 pts
The gender frequency table has more than 1 errors.
The gender frequency table has at most 1 error.
The frequency table is completed without any errors.
Frequency table (social media)
/20 pts
The social media frequency table has more than 1 errors.
The social media frequency table has at most 1 error.
The social media table is completed without any errors.
Pie chart
/ 20 pts
The pie chart is not created correctly.
The chart has more than one inappropriate or missing chart title, data label, or other error.
The pie chart is created correctly.
The chart has at most one inappropriate or missing chart title or data label, or other charting errors.
The pie chart is created correctly.
The chart has appropriate chart title, axis and data labels.
Data Analysis
/50 pts
The analysis is missing 1 or more of the required elements.
More than 1 of the data analysis elements are incorrect.
The data analysis statements are very disorganized, incorrect or hard to understand.
The data analysis includes all the required elements.
And at most, 1 of the data analysis elements is incorrect.
The data analysis is correct and adequately written using clear, complete, relevant sentences.
The analysis includes all the required elements.
The data analysis is completely correct, and professionally written using clear, complete, relevant sentences.
Total /100