you cannot earn credit for this assignment without first attending the seminar.

you cannot earn credit for this assignment without first attending the seminar.

you cannot earn credit for this assignment without first attending the seminar. It is a requirement before you can submit the following step, and both steps must be completed to earn any course credit.
After attending the seminar, submit a one-page document between 200-400 words regarding the experience and how it enhances your ability to locate sources for your Inquiry Project. You will reflect on below questions and create an academic response demonstrating correct, formal writing style addressing all these questions:
What types of sources are available through the Jerry Falwell Library? How can you use the library to locate sources for your Inquiry Project?
How does having a well-developed research question help you develop keywords and a search strategy?
What is the idea of a search “keyword,” and what are some keywords that you can use for your Inquiry Project?
What strategies can you use to filter your results if your search brings back a large number? How can you expand your number of results if your search does not back enough?
What are some subject-specific databases that you think could relate to your Inquiry project topic?