You have researched and read about SMART goals in this week. Part of your weekly

You have researched and read about SMART goals in this week. Part of your weekly

You have researched and read about SMART goals in this week. Part of your weekly assignment requires you to create SMART goals to address your strengths and areas of improvement. You also need to think about creating a professional development plan around maximizing your strengths and cultivating these areas of improvement. In your post:
Share the SMART goals you created to enhance the strengths you identified in your teaching self-assessment. Also share your SMART goals for those areas in which you require improvement.
Share the professional development activities that will help you reach your SMART goals.
Note: People often learn best by doing. Certainly, there is value in taking a class or reading a book about an area in which you want to grow. In your discussion post and assignment, it is alright to include some of these activities, but also push yourself to engage in active learning exercises. For example, perhaps, you could obtain a mentor from someone in your district who is an expert in the skill you hope to develop. Perhaps, you could ask one of your colleagues to observe your teaching practice and provide you with feedback.