you haven’t already, be sure go back to prior pages and complete the following:

you haven’t already, be sure go back to prior pages and complete the following:

you haven’t already, be sure go back to prior pages and complete the following:
Viewing Instructor Feedback & Setting Notifications
Rhetorical Analysis & Group Annotation
Where I’m From: Pinning Our Google Map
To complete your post and support your best work, respond to each prompt, paying close attention to what’s being asked. For all question responses this semester, fully explain each idea so someone who hasn’t read or seen what you have can understand it. Refer to source authors and titles when known.
Visit our house parties and announcements page and enjoy the virtual party. Then, return here and send a shout-out (kind words of encouragement) to our virtual hosts each week.
For this week, you’ll send a shout-out to future accountant manager Aobeeda, future landscape architect Sonny, and future construction engineer & developer Charlie who have set the virtual table with a feast, including dolma, pozole, and tamales. Just follow the music of Drake, D. Savage, and Vortxz. Enjoy the digital party and maybe some new additions to your playlist. 🙂
While you’re there, review the graphs showing how your classmates responded to some check-in questions.
Read any announcements or learn about any campus activities and opportunities you may be interested in when you visit the announcements page each week. This week there’s an important deadline announcement. Check it out.
There’s nothing to write for parts B and C. Just send a nice shout-out to each virtual party host and you’ll complete Prompt One.
“Essential Skills for Academic Papers” that you’ll see, below, is a handy reference guide that condenses some key techniques that academic writers use to create well crafted essays. We’ll be reading it a few pages at a time over the next few weeks. For this week, read pages 1-18 and respond to the following prompts.
Why does paper formatting matter? (Does it?)
Why do we cite our sources through in-text citations and Works Cited entries (like bibliography entries)?
Essential Skills, pages 1-18
THREE: Rhetorically Analyze a Recent Discussion, a Movie Scene, or a Song
We use rhetorical appeals and they are in use all of the time, all around us. Today, let’s examine one example plucked from life. Choose one of the following situations, explain it, and analyze is using the four rhetorical appeals we’re studying:
Logic & ReasonAuthority & CredibilityEmotionRelevance – Right Time/Place
For this prompt, think of a recent conversation you had with someone OR think of a scene in a movie OR think of a song in which someone is trying to persuade an audience of something. An audience can be one person or many, but we make choices when we know our audiences, don’t we? For this prompt –
Explain the conversation, movie scene, or song, quoting the words you’re going to analyze (it’s important that you’re analyzing actual words). Recall your conversation as best you can – OR – look up the movie scene on YouTube – OR – look up the lyrics online and paste those exactly. Then identify the four appeals: tell us the words you’re analyzing and explain how those words demonstrate the appeal you’ve found. Write so that any of us can follow your thinking clearly.
Please push to identify each of the appeals – they are most likely there. Don’t give up too soon.
Take a look at my examples to set your mind at ease – you got this.
Submit your post and then see who posted *immediately before* you. Be sure to reply to that person, so that everyone receives comments. That’s why it’s important to post first – then you lock your spot and your “prior poster” in. In your reply –
Share what you appreciate and/or respectfully agree with or disagree with in their rhetorical analysis. It’s okay for us to learn from each other. Phrases like “I wonder if…” or “I like X and what about Y…,” for example, don’t feel bad, so let’s respect each other enough to have “real” and respectful conversations.
For Parts One – Three: Type directly into the text box for this assignment – or – attach a document.If you’re attaching a document, PDFs are best so everyone can read them. To create a PDF from any word processing program, select PRINT, select SAVE AS PDF, save to your computer, upload the document to Canvas.
If you are using Google Docs, be sure to include the “sharing” link. Because there are frequently issues with this, it may be best to download a PDF of your Google Doc and upload that to Canvas.
For Part Four (peer response): Read the post of the person who posted immediately before you
Respond to it, according to the prompt.
If you submitted first, try to come back later in the week to respond to the last poster. This is optional for our weekly discussion posts.