You may complete and submit this assignment for a possible 50 extra credit point

You may complete and submit this assignment for a possible 50 extra credit point

You may complete and submit this assignment for a possible 50 extra credit points. *Also, note that this will be the only extra credit assignment available this semester. Must be done correctly and submitted on time. This Extra Credit assignment will only be accepted if all assignments are complete and submitted. Extra Credit points will be added manually at the end of the semester. Determine your character strengths. Visit the Values in Action website at to an external site. You will have to select the character strengths “free” quiz. There are options to pay for more detailed results, however this is NOT required. Once you have completed the quiz, scroll down and your results are accessible. Once you receive your results, write a 200-word paper describing the results using college level writing in complete sentences in paragraph form. Do you agree with the results? Explain why or why not. You must follow the guidelines in the Rubric (for grading purposes and specifics). Worth 50 points if completed correctly and submitted on time. Submit your writing in Canvas. No work accepted through email. No late work accepted. No exceptions. Writing Rubric for Extra Credit 200 word minimum 10 points (all or none) Proper mechanics 10 points (all or none) 1)This writing must be written 3 paragraphs, 3 complete sentences in each paragraph. 30 points 1st paragraph (first sentence must be indented 5 spaces, body must be double spaced) Introduce this assignment (at least 3 complete sentences required) 10 points (all or none) 2nd paragraph Describe your results from this strengths quiz (must be indented 5 spaces, body must be double spaced) At least 3 complete sentences required. 10 points (all or none) 3rd paragraph What did you learn? (the first sentence of the paragraph must be indented 5 spaces, body must be double spaced) Do you agree with the results, explain why or why not. At least 3 complete sentences required. 10 points (all or none) (No bullet points, numbering, lists or quotes, proper mechanics, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, complete sentences and paragraphs, in your own words, do not plagiarize) Total points 50 points possible No late submissions accepted. All assignments must be submitted in Canvas. No work will be accepted through email. No exceptions