You need to cover four areas: Description, Scholarly Opinions, Your Opinion, and

You need to cover four areas: Description, Scholarly Opinions, Your Opinion, and

You need to cover four areas: Description, Scholarly Opinions, Your Opinion, and Prediction for the Future. You must write your entire paper in third person and do not use quotes – just paraphrase instead and then cite your source in parenthesis immediately afterwards using the correct in-text citation form. You should have at least three sources for your report which you will list in proper bibliographic format the last page of your report. Each time you cite a statistic or a scholarly opinion in paraphrase form, you must use in-text citation. The paper must be in MLA format. The paper should contain five full pages of content at the minimum, twenty pages at the maximum. The last non-content page should contain a bibliography with a minimum of three bibliographic sources in MLA format.
Please do not use Wikipedia as a source. Books, newspapers, magazines, and reputable websites are appropriate sources. The paper must be written in the third person and cannot contain direct quotes. Any opinions and statistics must include an in-text citation. Any scholarly opinions must only be paraphrased (not directly quoted) from reputable sources about the event. finally its going to be submit into the website turn it in and my professor is strict any plagirsem i fail the class