You will identify an adult individual for whom you have enough historical and bi

You will identify an adult individual for whom you have enough historical and bi

You will identify an adult individual for whom you have enough historical and biographical information to examine the individual’s experiences in their family of origin as well as their participation in different groups in childhood and adulthood. I want there to be flexibility and comfort for students in engaging in this process, so you have options in terms of who you use:
You can choose a character from media (e.g., a movie or a show). The character ought to resemble people from real life, meaning: not a cartoon, not a super hero, etc.
I want to write it about the GRINCH Character The approach you choose will have no bearing whatsoever on your grade. We’ll partly use this assignment to ensure that you’re well positioned to complete the remaining assignments.
Written Submission
What you’ll provide here is a brief overview of your chosen subject. I’m thinking approximately two pages of written narrative. Consider incorporating basic content on the following prompts:
Relevant demographic details.
A general history including information on family of origin, personal relationships, and education and/or work life.
Major life events and noteworthy health/mental health considerations.
Exemplary work will effectively communicate relevant data on the proposed subject of these assignments.
If you have any questions or concerns about this assignment, you should reach out before it is due! I’m glad to respond to any inquiries you may have.
Biographical Case Study Part 1 is worth 5% of your final grade. Exemplary work will earn the full 5 points. Satisfactory work will earn 4 points. A passing grade is 3 points.
AlignmentThis assignment addresses the following module learning objective(s):
Interpret client needs in a clinical practice setting within an ecological systems context.