you will need the following book for citations: Ways of the World: A Brief Globa

you will need the following book for citations: Ways of the World: A Brief Globa

you will need the following book for citations: Ways of the World: A Brief Global History, Value Edition, Combined Volume by Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
In the book you will need to go over chapter 6 (the part on the Americas) and also browse through the earlier chapters to pick another civilization.
I am going to copy and paste exactly what my professor wrote for the instructions:
We have covered several different peoples and places so far this term so it is a good idea to take a step back and do some good compare and contrast analysis. This week we are looking at the early American societies. The book covers several civilizations from Mesoamerica and the Andes. We have covered Mesopotamia, Egypt, early China and early India, the Greeks, and the Romans in the modules leading up to this one. Compare and contrast one of the civilizations from the Americas with one of the other societies we have covered so far in the class. You can compare/contrast political structure, the economy, religion, social structure –whatever you want — but select at least two areas to cover. 3-4 pages. Have a title page, intro, multiparagraph body, and conclusion. You must have in-text citations.
Info for the title page:
Name- Isha Letherwala
Professor- Carl Garrigus
Subject- HIST1111
if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!