This is for music and film class final paper project analysis Thesis statement:

This is for music and film class final paper project analysis
Thesis statement:

This is for music and film class final paper project analysis
Thesis statement: “In Babylon (2022) the intricacies of how a calm and upbeat version of the same melody is used in scenes with Manny and Nellie convey the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their relationship with the backdrop of 1920’s America.”
Questions( please use your own words. the proffesor check the originality ( no ai))
1. Rephrase your partner’s thesis statement in your own words. Highlight or draw a square around the subject, highlight or circle the opinion or argument.
2. What is the opinion or assertion in the thesis statement? Could someone argue against it, or is it a statement of facts?
3. Given the scope of the thesis statement, can the writer make a descriiptive, informed argument within the required page length?
4. Based on the thesis statement, what evidence would you expect to encounter in the paper?

Next…..please write a poem for me. create it yourself for those of you who rap

Next…..please write a poem for me.
create it yourself
for those of you who rap

Next…..please write a poem for me.
create it yourself
for those of you who rap i think rap is poetry!!!!! but it has to be written by you. please original pieces only.
can be about anything
can be as long, or short as u deem fit. remember how long Pinero’s poem was? but do you also remember how long Frost’s poem was? the beauty of a poem is not in the length but in the words being expressed by the poet.
if you want to write a Haiku poem you need to title it Haiku

Instruction Before completing this, please ensure you have read and understood a

Before completing this, please ensure you have read and understood a

Before completing this, please ensure you have read and understood all the information on the “Music Identification” page.
Listen to the attached musical excerpt ?
Post your answer addressing on following three questions:What is the Genre of this piece? (Opera, Symphony, Sonata, Art Songs, etc.)
What is the Tempo of this piece? (Slow, Moderate, or Fast)
What Instrumentations are used in this piece? (Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Horn, Trumpet, etc. )
Learning OutcomeDefine important musical terms and use those terms accurately in your own words.
Identify the musical characteristics represented by those terms in a piece of music.
When identifying a piece of music, there are many things you could listen for in order to distinguish one piece from another. That can sometimes be the trouble that music appreciation students have: there is so much going on in the music that they don’t know what they should be listening to.
We have to break the music down in our ears – take it apart and listen to some of the individual musical elements that make up the piece. I suggest starting by listening for musical elements that are relatively easy to hear.
Instrumentation is one such element. Tempo is another!
1. Instrumentation
Instrumentation refers to the instruments or voices that are performing the piece.
It also refers to how the composer uses those instruments (do all the instruments play all the time, or do different instruments play at different times).
Listening to the types of instruments and how they play will help you recognize the pieces of music we study ?
2. Tempo
Tempo refers to the speed of the basic pulse or beat of the music!
Imagine a conductor keeping time with his or her baton. Each movement of the baton represents one beat (the more rapidly the baton moves, the faster the tempo or the more slowly the baton moves, the slower the tempo is).
I’m sure you’ve listened to a favorite song and tapped your foot along with the beat. A driving rock song will have a faster tempo. You would find yourself tapping your foot rapidly to the beat. A laid-back ballad would have a slower tempo. You’d tap your foot more slowly as you kept time with the slower beat of the song.
You can do the same thing with Western Classical Music. You can use tempo to identify different pieces of music. By remembering which pieces have a slower or faster tempo than others, you will be able to tell those pieces apart.
3. Two Examples ?
Second Movement from Symphony No. 94 in G Major by Franz Josef Haydn
First Movement from Concerto No. 4 in F minor (“Winter” from The Four Seasons) by Antonio Vivaldi
4. Summary
What Instruments Am I Hearing?Let’s talk about the instruments you heard. In some respects, these pieces are fairly similar. Both feature orchestras, and both emphasize the string section of those orchestras.So you mainly hear violins, violas, cellos, and basses in both pieces.
However, in the piece by Vivaldi, you hear a solo violin (there are lengthy passages played by a single violin).By contrast, in the piece by Haydn, all the instruments play together. No standout moments for a single player.
This is one thing you can listen for to tell the two pieces apart!
There is also a single loud chord played near the end of our Haydn excerpt, and at that moment, we hear the timpani (drums).There are no drums in the Vivaldi concerto; that would also be something to listen to tell the two apart.
Drums = the Haydn symphony; solo violin = the Vivaldi concerto. What tempo Am I Hearing?Another characteristic to listen for that will enable you to tell the two pieces apart is tempo. Tempo refers to how fast or slow a piece is going.
As we go through the course, you’ll learn a few Italian words that musicians use to specify certain tempos.
Listen for whether the piece is fast or slow: if it’s fast, it’s Vivaldi’s “Winter.” If it’s slow, it’s Haydn’s Symphony No. 94!
For now, don’t worry too much about what a symphony is vs. a concerto ?

Write a total of 400 words for each question 1-4 combined (You can answer with 1

Write a total of 400 words for each question 1-4 combined (You can answer with 1

Write a total of 400 words for each question 1-4 combined (You can answer with 100 words per question). The links to the songs are listed below:
Shake, Rattle, and Roll”: original version recorded by Big Joe Turner, 1954; cover version by Bill Haley and the Comets,
“Mystery Train”: original version written and recorded by Junior Parker, 1953; cover version by Elvis Presley, 19
What are the main similarities and differences between the original and cover versions of each of these songs?
Compare and contrast the vocal performances of Big Joe Turner and Bill Haley, and Junior Parker and Elvis Presley in their versions of these songs.
In each case, do you think that the cover version was a “rip-off” of the original, or that it was a new treatment of the original?
In your opinion, which version has a better “feel”? Why?
Then, answer question 5 with a total of 150 to 200 words:
5. What influence do you think rock n’ roll has on the music world today? When analyzing something so old, it is natural to think, “How has this impacted us today?”. It is even more so when the thing in question, Rock n’ Roll in this case, has had a major historic impact on a subject. What do you think the influence of rock n’ roll has on society today, if any at all? Why do you think that it’s the way it currently is? What do you think the biggest impact was?
6. Then, come up with your own original, open-ended question that students can respond to and briefly elaborate on your question. Your open-ended question can be anything related to the “Early Rock n Roll” Discussion Assignment. (Question 5 above is an example of another peer’s open-ended question.)

Hi, I need help on talking pointers for a presentation that I have on Friday. It

Hi, I need help on talking pointers for a presentation that I have on Friday. It

Hi, I need help on talking pointers for a presentation that I have on Friday. It doesn’t have to be in an essay format just some pointers to talk about for my presentation. I have to relate my topic on the readings provided as well. This is the prompt : “Begin by picking a song from your assigned day. Then, read the assigned reading for your assigned day and subject. Consider the aspects (temporal, technological, socio-cultural) that made the music of that time unique. Do some further research on your assigned song, tying it specifically to the assigned readings, and further elaborating on the history and significance of the song.
Each student will present their song, playing a 60-second or so clip of the song, and discuss the song’s history in a 4-5 minute talk in front of the class. If the best 60-second clip starts in the middle of the song, please make sure to know where to start your clip.”
Looking forward to reading. Thank you!

see the “Topic Proposal .pdf” and write a thesis statement for my paper. Instr

see the “Topic Proposal .pdf” and write a thesis statement for my paper. Instr

see the “Topic Proposal .pdf” and write a thesis statement for my paper. Instruction A thesis statement is a statement that expresses the central argument of your paper. It is usually 1-2 sentences in length. A good thesis statement is an arguable statement that is specific and focused. Weak thesis statements are too unspecific, or are a simple re-telling of facts, or make broad sweeping claims that are impossible to argue within the span of a 5-6 page paper.
use your own words, please. the professor uses an ai checker (use the idea generated from ChatGPT as a reference)
Sample Thesis statement from ChatGPT: ” Ludwig Göransson’s score in ‘Black Panther’ not only elevates the film’s narrative but also plays a pivotal role in weaving African cultural heritage with the story’s futuristic elements, challenging conventional portrayals of African culture in mainstream cinema and reinforcing themes of identity, leadership, and legacy.”

This is for music and film class final paper project analysis Thesis statement:

This is for music and film class final paper project analysis
Thesis statement:

This is for music and film class final paper project analysis
Thesis statement: “In Babylon (2022) the intricacies of how a calm and upbeat version of the same melody is used in scenes with Manny and Nellie convey the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their relationship with the backdrop of 1920’s America.”
Questions( please use your own words. the proffesor check the originality ( no ai))
1. Rephrase your partner’s thesis statement in your own words. Highlight or draw a square around the subject, highlight or circle the opinion or argument.
2. What is the opinion or assertion in the thesis statement? Could someone argue against it, or is it a statement of facts?
3. Given the scope of the thesis statement, can the writer make a descriiptive, informed argument within the required page length?
4. Based on the thesis statement, what evidence would you expect to encounter in the paper?

This poem is about the dark times. But people don’t usually sing in the dark tim

This poem is about the dark times. But people don’t usually sing in the dark tim

This poem is about the dark times. But people don’t usually sing in the dark times, don’t they usually cry? So when I read this poem it reminded me of slavery. The slaves used to sing about the dark times they were suffering through when they were out in the fields doing heavy manual labor.
For your first paper, think about a dark time that u would like to have more information on. Choose three different things to
research under one thesis. Below are ex. of 3 different thesis’s. Choose one or make up your own..
Thesis: Dark times in history of mankind
1. bubonic plague
2. holocost
3 9/11
4. hurricane sandy
5 or what ever dark time you want to explore a little bit more in the history of mankind.
Thesis: women suffer through dark times more than men do.
1. still bornchild birth
2. post pardum depression
3. divorce
4. single motherhood
5.or any other subjects of darkness that women go through.
Thesis: The rap world has seen many periods of dark times
1. write about at least 3 rappers who were killed or went through darkness or
Thesis: The music world has gone through many periods of darkness
Then write about 3 different musicians, Michael Jackson, Whitney H., and …. Or who ever.
Please add evidence and a reference page

see the “Topic Proposal .pdf” and write a thesis statement for my paper. Instr

see the “Topic Proposal .pdf” and write a thesis statement for my paper. Instr

see the “Topic Proposal .pdf” and write a thesis statement for my paper. Instruction A thesis statement is a statement that expresses the central argument of your paper. It is usually 1-2 sentences in length. A good thesis statement is an arguable statement that is specific and focused. Weak thesis statements are too unspecific, or are a simple re-telling of facts, or make broad sweeping claims that are impossible to argue within the span of a 5-6 page paper.
use your own words, please. the professor uses an ai checker (use the idea generated from ChatGPT as a reference)
Sample Thesis statement from ChatGPT: ” Ludwig Göransson’s score in ‘Black Panther’ not only elevates the film’s narrative but also plays a pivotal role in weaving African cultural heritage with the story’s futuristic elements, challenging conventional portrayals of African culture in mainstream cinema and reinforcing themes of identity, leadership, and legacy.”

The song is Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit 1. Analyze the song referencing t

The song is Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit
1. Analyze the song referencing t

The song is Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit
1. Analyze the song referencing the basic elements of design (pick 2 of the following) as they are called in music (melody, harmony, rhythm, tone/color, structure/form, etc).
2. Describe the compositional elements that stand out and make the piece successful artistically.
3. What are the influences that are present and the characteristics of the genre that best fits the piece.
4. Is the piece defining of the artists style or is it uniquely different to his/her music.
5. Observe and describe the emotional content of the piece of music.